Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wake Up, O Sleeper

I Sam 1:8 - And Elkanah, her husband said to "Hannah, why do you weep? and why do you not eat? And why is your heart sad? Am I not more to you than ten sons?"

I was reading this chapter today and the Lord stopped me cold on this verse. I felt him calling to me as my husband asking me the same questions. I have managed to dip into a bit of a reclusive slump here in Las Vegas. The searching and seeking has seemed to be fruitless so far and I have felt my heart shutting down to anesthetize the ache in my heart for home, friends, church family. I try not to look back but to pres son and look forward. It can be very challenging when there seems little to keep this over active personality busy. Praise God for the Uganda Missions Trip! I miss my daughter and my Divine by Design Diva's. My sister-friends that have been like family. It has left an enormous hole in my heart and life. I have felt the distance growing between me and my Lord and have hit periodic funks of numbness as I retreat further and further into myself. Pulling my famous "Turtle" where I become a recluse until I can find my way back to solid ground, purpose and direction. "Am I not more to you then 10 sons?" This morning this heartfelt plea from my "Husband" were as a splash of cold water to a slumbering soul. Yes Lord, you are more to me than 10 sons or daughters, you are more to me than anything. I will be satisfied in you. Help me to remember that the isolation in the desert is not punishment but discipline that will reap a harvest of righteousness and peace as I press into you and continue to seek after you relentlessly until I find you. If you are silent, if you seem distant, you have not forsaken me but are simply, lovingly, gently guiding and growing me.

Eph 5:13-14 "But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, 14for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said:

"Wake up, O sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you."

1 comment:

  1. The dessert is a place of survival, it can be seen as the land of milk and honey; but it's a place not many are called to. There is fruit there and it is a place of quit echoes. Dry land creates a thirst. What will you thirst for there?
    The Lord does not leads us to a place of discipline, He leads us to prosperity. Abraham, Moses, Noah. Many others were lead away but for the purpose of prosperity; even Lot. Sometimes our perceptions do not allow us to see His purpose until we go through and look back in reflection. It is much easier to miss God's intentions because we don't think like Him.......
